Truro Primestock Show Truro Primestock Show Truro Primestock Show Truro Primestock Show

Truro Primestock Show

6 December 2023

Farming Comes To Town

Wednesday 6th December    9:00am start

Truro’s annual Christmas Primestock Show is taking place at Truro Cattle Market on 6th December.

The Show has traditionally been a very popular event and brings the countryside and farming right into the heart of the City.

Visitors are able to see at close hand the very best of Cornwall’s prime cattle and sheep exhibited, judged and then auctioned, as well as being able to admire a wonderful show of farm produce, cookery, preserves, floral art, photography, crafts and a host of other exhibits.

Expect a wonderful atmoshphere in the marquee which provides a unique opportunity to see show cattle and sheep close to many of Truro’s major shops and stores.

The Livestock Section is the big attraction of this popular Christmas Show and Cattle and Sheep exhibitors travel the length and breadth of Cornwall, and often from over the Tamar in West Devon, to show off their excellent quality stock.

Farm Produce classes have always been a feature of the Truro Primestock Show with classes for Commercially Grown Vegetables, Hay & Silage, Grain and Roots.

   Click here to find out more and to see the Schedule for the 121st Truro Christmas Prime Stock & Produce Show.

   Getting there : King Harry Ferry Information can be found here