Scott Woyka Furniture joins the Field to Forest Foundation Scott Woyka Furniture joins the Field to Forest Foundation Scott Woyka Furniture joins the Field to Forest Foundation Scott Woyka Furniture joins the Field to Forest Foundation

Scott Woyka Furniture joins the Field to Forest Foundation

16 September 2020

Scott Woyka has recently told us of his priority to help nature recover and get more trees in the ground. Through the Field to Forest Foundation Scott is now planting trees for furniture commissions.

Though very conscious of the impact of humans on Planet Earth, it is the recent uprising in awareness of the climate emergency that has led Scott Woyka Furniture to examine his practice more closely. So while he will be looking at reducing his own impact, carbon emissions and waste towards zero (they are already very low), his first priority is to help nature recover and get more trees in the ground.

Scott will now be planting trees for every commission he undertakes. The Field to Forest Foundation has recently set up to plant trees on unused agricultural land. For Scott this scheme was perfect as it is local (charity begins at home) and is run by people who care deeply for nature and the environment and he knows that the trees that are planted will be looked after. 

Scott Woyka Furniture

With stunning views across the river, the woykshop is situated inside an old warehouse on the wharves in Falmouth. 

Visit the Woykshop...

Unlike many tree planting schemes, with Field to Forest Foundation, when you plant a tree you are directly doing impacting your carbon footprint.

Many tree planting schemes let you pay to plant trees, but then sell the associated carbon offsets elsewhere, so effectively, you aren't doing anything about yours or your businesses' carbon foot print. 

Click here to enquire and find out more.